Sunday, November 15, 2015

Call-UPshaw UP? The Los Angeles D-Fenders have plenty of talent to choose from

Robert Upshaw landed on the Los Angeles Lakers Roster as an UnDrafted Rookie out of Washington where he was leading the Nation in Blocks with over 4 per game (19 games played).

At around 7-0' tall Upshaw has gotten himself lighter and he is making the best of it.

IN the home opener against the Warriors (11/14/15), Upshaw looked good.  He is only on record with 2 blocks in THIS game; there were at least two others that should have gone in his favor.

     Regardless of those numbers and his others in the way of ReBounding and Scoring this kid is looking good.  His lateral movement, help and recovery defense is on point.  He did seem to taper off, energy-wise, in the second.  Perhaps THIS is what scouts are looking at?  Does he stay mentally focused?  Motivated?  Any Way you slice it, you cannot teach height and this kid has done nothing but take positive strides towards becoming and NBA player, so what gives? 


Upshaw's Debut Highlights

     Upshaw has all-around game:  He has a nice touch, he can handle, pass and he is performing better with certain "anxious" tendencies that I had seen @ LAKERS SUMMER with better body control of his screen-setting, for example.  He leads with his defensive presence and his energy.  One question is, Can his Energy hold UP?  

How many games does he play in "The D" before HE IS called UP? 

 The Lakers can easily move Anthony Brown to the D-Fenders and LET HIM GET REPS.  I mean, if YOU'RE NOT going to use him in situations for defensive or three-point shooting purposes by THIS point, send him down.  Then, the Lakers can retain all of the talent OR simply waive Sacre.  Sacre is SOLID.  He will land on another NBA team.

     UPshaw is hovering around 18 minutes of PT but that is mainly because this D-Fenders team is LoaDed with Talent that beGins with returning Lakers Manny Harris and Vander Blue.

Zach Andrews starts in the middle on this team that has also seen Michael Frazier and Malcom Thomas as "DNP-CD" status

The "DNP-CD" was also status hanging for former Laker Xavier Henry which brings me to this:

Go Ahead and give me Xavier, Manny, Vander, and Josh Magette who dished out a game high 12 assists and is a player that many around campus are speaking very HIGHLY of.  

Add Andrews, UpShaw, Thomas from the D-Fenders squad. And Orton, Elliot Williams and Darrington Hopson from the Warriors Organization.  

NOW, put those gents up against "BKN."  

"Brooklyn?" A friend said AFTER a disappointing loss by the Lakers to the Denver Nuggets.  "They have to beat Brooklyn, RIGHT!?"  Thankfully, the Lakers DID.  BUT, could they (Lakers) Beat their own D-League Squad?

How about a  one-on-one match-up of Josh Magette vs. D'Angelo Russell?  

 Hibbert vs Upshaw?  How about Manny showing young D'Angelo how to GET to the free throw line... AND MAKE THEM?

As of Friday (11/13/15), Russell is averaging 50% from the charity stripe on .4 of .8 attempts per game while Mudiay was 2.4 of 3.8.  

Many good things were being said about Magette Saturday Night by AC Green.  Green ALSO commented that Coach Owens said that Magette should be called up to the NBA as well.

     Magette is solid.  He had the 12 assists with 4 turnovers but some of those were player errors on the other end.  I don't care about turnovers so much unless they lead to direct points by the opposition.

He stays in motion, runs an offense superbly and is always looking for his teammates.

hey, Marcelo Huertas has an NBA Contract...

This young man (Magette) as well as Upshaw, Manny, Vander, et al. ALL deserve a shot.

Jimmer was called up before he hit the hardwood for a regular season game in "The D." 

Oh yeah, add him to that "D-League squad" that was forming earlier.

The 31st NBA Franchise IS...(?)

Meanwhile, here are your D-League Teams

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